Tag Archives: youtube

Freelancer: Hits, Misses & Mentions

Good Monday morning! I hope the juices of all creatives are flowing like water in a river baptism this fall season . I can’t complain because I’m still loving what I do, although, it can get hard out here for a creative pimp-tress:)

So, today, I’m updating my loyal readers and followers on a few things happening in my neck of the writing woods, with a brief run-through of some of my freelancer hits and misses, along with a big ole congratulatory mention to a well deserving poet and visual artist.


You guys recall me writing about how thrilled I was to open an email from Quaker Oats contest a while back, informing me that my delicious recipe submission had been selected?  Well, just like most of the five hundred thousand hopefuls out there, I waited with bated breath, months even, to claim my winning prize…

Not! The three finalists have been selected and yours truly is not on the list. Bummer! But,  because I love to eat my share of delicious foods instead of demonstrating my culinary skills or lack thereof, I’ve gladly moved on. It’s always a good thing when we release and let go, because something great hangs in the balance.

Misses : #2

I will be sharing my thoughts on traditional book publishing from my own experience with Unleash Your Pearls, including the ups & downs one might experience after signing on the  publisher’s dotted line. I will discuss research findings on the industry, including the length of time it takes from initial contract to actual book release. Patience is truly  required and a couple of glasses of spirits can’t hurt much. Anyhew, when those people call my people about my book release, we will have a celebration!


I’ve learned not to wallow in feelings of freelance defeat or rejection and to just keep going with other interesting and oftentimes lucrative distractions.  I recently sold my 2nd nonfiction story to the Book of Hope Anthology, scheduled for publication after the holidays.

My contributing story appearing in the “Lessons from Losers in Love”  Anthology recently went to YouTube.

Dr. Alonda Alloway-Higgins, PhD, LSW,  Author and Life Coach

Uploaded a video to talk more about her book and upcoming series:

I’m working on my fourth assignment as part of How Writers Write Fiction 2016: Storied Women from Iowa University’s free Writing Workshop. This class is mentally challenging and educationally inspiring. We’re penning new stories to upload every week and so far, the feedback from class participants have been encouraging and useful. My love of learning is evergreen and when I feel the need to advance my writing aspirations, I always do.

There are numerous narratives on the informational highway in regards to getting something for ‘free’ and I’m of the opinion that one should always be a cautionary ‘buyer’. When it comes to free learning modules, however, in the form of free classes in writing, website design or advanced YouTube tutorials in your field of expertise, I’ve found them to be quite beneficial, and in some ways an advantage over many fee based online workshops.

For example, free classes offered by college institutions oftentimes differ from online writing workshops that cost, in that these curriculum based classes are taught by esteemed professors of writing, with several book fellows and awards under their belts and do not in any way, fashion or form, diminish from  a freelance writer’s creative abilities – they can, in fact, impact ones’ productivity and profit-making capabilities.

I’ve taken my share of online fee based and free classes since 2010.  Before the internet surge, I thought nothing of hopping a train in real-time, to attend fee based writing classes at Harold Washington Colleges. So, my advice, when in doubt, is to go for your gusto the way it works for you and don’t be swayed by negative  hype.  If you haven’t done it, then you can’t speak on it. And that’s all I’m going to say about that.


A big ole congratulations going out to Henry Jones; Poet, Artist, Entrepreneur and friend out there in Nashville whom I hold in high regard. Mr. Jones just won the National Gifted Artist Neo Soul & Poetry Artist(GANSPA) Award!

Congrats to you, Mr. Jones!

Quote for today:

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Benjamin Franklin

Favorite Songs From Down Memory Lane

Hello Creatives!

I admit it, I sometimes take a musical trip back down memory lane leading to my Southern roots. Not all memories were good ones, for sure, but music always fills the heart and lifts the spirit.This post  came about from last week’s introductory post, highlighting the famous singer, musician and author, Mr.  Charles Wright who tweeted his thanks. Way cool:)

Charles Wright
A BIG thank you to @C50something for talkin about my new book & my song “Looking For An Ugly Woman”! Read more here: bit.ly/1N8efN3

Come on, groove with me a while 🙂

Hurt was Johnny Cash last song before his death- introspective and sobering.

Okay, so these are just a smidgen of my country favorites. Hope y’all like the Saturday selections. What are some of your favorite childhood song memories?

Here’s the writer quote for today:

Just as a good rain clears the air, a good writing day clears the psyche.” — Julia Cameron

Is Trending “OVERRATED?”

Image representing YouTube as depicted in Crun...
Image via CrunchBase

Of course, I’m just one little minnow in a sea of gigantic fish in the world of freelance writing . But, having said that, I’m also a prudent observer of human nature and how we go about playing “follow the leader” in our attempts to jump on the bandwagon of a good thing. Not to say, that writers/journalists/bloggers shouldn’t look for that next big story. I’m just as much of a hound dog for getting the scoop. But, when the scoop becomes everyone else’s frigging ‘cats’s meow!”…I got a problem with that!

Case in point: The suicide of Russell Armstrong  (estranged husband of Taylor, one of the reality Housewives Of Beverly Hills) people talked about his alleged reasons for killing himself. His abusive nature, his financial problems, etc. As a celebrity gossip writer for my site, I avoided adding to the mix.

Joy Behar and Sherri Shepherd‘s weddings and as of Saturday, Kim Kardashion’s lavish ceremony to Chris Jefferies; the cost, the gowns, the cake-YIKES! I’m preparing to contribute another (entertainment) guest post to City Connect, based in London– I’m not going to concentrate on the wedding. I’m more intuned to look for the underlying factors to the wedding!

Trends in celebrity, fashion, cars, and so forth hahave become so mind boggling that we who put fingers to keyboards often forget about the stuff people really want to hear and read about. Recently, the media focused so much on Obama’s vacation and so little upon why the rich wasn’t getting taxed, I began to wonder, “what’s really going on?”

Are trends the new “black” in America’s psyche, or do we really care about world issues any more? Hungar and famine . Senseless murders. Troops losing their lives protecting our country. Republicans making a mockery out of American Government????

Hmmm, I suppose this blog rant might better serve my column at blogher. com. Maybe, I’ll just repost it there. I’m not totally against trending, I’m just not so sure it hasn’t become a tad bit “Overrated.”

Any thoughts from creatives ?

P.S. I recently watched an Entertainment Tonight clip of a Youtube musical Military group called “SIDEWINDER”. The same day I blogged about these troops serving in the US Airforce, performing for their fellow troops on my entertainment news site, over 300 viewers sought out this story…those are the sort of trending stories America needs to hear!

5 Take-Away Blogging Tactics Of 2010

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...
Image via CrunchBase

I don’t have an aversion to learning new things, or even implementing fresh ideas into a tried and true game plan when it comes to growing my writing business. I’m in total agreement with the adage “even old dogs can learn new tricks” in this arena; not that I’m calling myself old- mind you. Okay, maybe a tad seasoned:)

In 2010 there were definitely lessons of take away value I learned when it came to blogging. The information highway via the blogosphere is ablaze with something for every blogger, whether labeled newbie, or, seasoned . Here are 5 helpful & strategic tactics I took away from 2010 that will insure my blogging success in 2011 and beyond.

1. Establish relationships- bloggers know by now that networking and communicating with other bloggers and writers is a necessity for a blog’s survival. How you network is just as important as where. Most of us think of Social Media outlets: Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn for starters. Those are the popular ways of connecting with people. Attending non profit organizations is another. I met quite a few people at one such meeting, networking and exchanging business cards keeps me in the loop about upcoming fundraisers, jobs and so forth.

2. Reopen communication with past clients- I’m finding myself biting the bullet these days by being proactive and contacting folks to ask how they’re doing; what projects they’re working on and is there anything they’d like to share with my readers. Most times, responses are positive. Reconnecting with past clients are popular with your blog readers because they’re familiar with that person’s prior work.

3.It’s about your clients- By being sincere in your work, you’re going to earn people’s trust. Blogging about what’s important to us is a good thing, but, if we’re trying to offer our services to others, we have to remember, it’s about them and not us. When we establish trust, the word quickly spreads that your product, or, brand can be trusted as well.

4. Inform Family/friends of your blogging venture – This can be a bit tricky because sometimes it’s your closest relationships that will ultimately disappoint you. They might wonder why you want to go that route, or shut you down as a dreamer. On the other hand, family and friends in business for themselves will understand and embrace your efforts. They might even connect you to friends of theirs in business as well…I landed a gig blogging for a realtor through family recommendation. 

5. Advertise- Yep, I said advertise, as in spend a little money on exposing your business to the masses. Local Premium Business Listings in your area promotes brand awareness by placing newspaper, banner ads, customer reviews and testimonials.

These take away lessons will surely aid your blogging success in 2011…Onward and upward!

What take away blogging tactics will you carry into 2011?

Writing Advice From Stephen King

Can’t say I’m a big fan of his work. I mean, that salivating/vicious canine just about scared me to elimination! anyho, that’s painting a pic of just how scared his creative gift for grotesque gets to me… The creepy, satanic clown / that vicious jawed shark…well, you get my meaning. Seems recently, the great master of fright was captured by Youtube giving out advice on what makes a great writer…

Stephen King tells writers that in order to be a writer, you must read. “You have to write”, he insists.
Read a lot. Write a lot. Be well read, if for no other reason than to experience that moment he calls ‘Magic’ when one picks up anothers book, only to find out that he/she knows ,”I can do better than that. this sucks!”

I’m a writer who can surely relate to that sentiment. How about you? Ever read some obvious crap and known that you could do better? Ok, what are we waiting for people? Let’s create! Let’s get paid!
