Tag Archives: creative writing

How Writers Write Fiction-Class

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YAY! Class is in session! Happy Friday, fellow creatives. I hope everyone ‘treat themselves special’ this weekend and show some love to yourself and to others on a daily basis. I started my online fiction writing class today offered by the Writing University in Iowa. I was excited and judging by the comments and tweets of other writers, I wasn’t the only one:) We got to complete our profiles, view two introductory videos from moderators/instructors who each gave us tips on improving our writing. We also got to comment on our writer’s forum.

I misplaced and totally forgot my original password and had to request a new one before I could sign into the class, but all’s well that ends well. Writers were encouraged to introduce themselves and share their reasons for taking the class.

I took a creative writing class years ago, so I was eager to try a fiction writing class and immediately connected with Liz, who told me that she, like me, have been writing for years and wanted to get published more instead of rejected! The class listened to “Tips That Can Improve Your Writing Life” from the instructors; many that were common sense, but the ones that resonated with me the most are:

“You have to turn your soul around, make writing the priority of your life.”

“The best way to learn is by experience.”

There were about 20 tips total from the moderators who have authored books and other forms of writings, but they were tips we’ve already come to know as seasoned writers. My reason for taking this class is to share views about the writing process with other writers, get more of my short stories “published” instead of “declined.” And also to give me the added motivation I need to continue work on my memoir.

Why do you take writing classes?

A Free Fiction Writing Class


Happy Friday, creatives! You know you’re never too old to learn new skills. So, it doesn’t matter if you’re a newbie wanting to increase your creative reach or a seasoned pro looking to hone skills you already have, why not take advantage of free online classes offered in your genre?

As a “life long learner” I try to take advantage of every opportunity that can enhance my multi-genre writing career. 🙂

Free University of Iowa classes start Monday Sept 29th and ends November 10th. Go here to register http://writingcareer.com/post/95209514146/free-online-how-writers-write-fiction-workshop

Have a happy weekend and “treat yourself special.”

Writing Outside of Your Niche


Happy Friday readers and creatives. What a glorious morning to be doing something productive!

What do you do when your muse calls you to write outside of your niche? Are you fearful that by tackling another genre that you might forget to focus upon your calling? I used to struggle with this creative dilemma in the beginning of my writing career, until I realized that what God gave to me shouldn’t be kept boxed in fear, but opened to explore in every aspect of my creativity.

Life writing is my purpose and my brand. Becoming a voice that empowers women to passion, purpose and living their truths became my mission. In this instance, I make a life with my writing, rather than a living. Writing is looked upon these days as a trade rather than a calling. I can see how simple economics adds to this popular train of thought.

As a freelance writer and creative entrepreneur, I use my talents, skills and gifts in other areas where my creativity continues to educate, inform, and entertain, while paying penance to my economic sustainability.
Genres that I’ve written for and found a bit of success in, includes:
Short stories of fiction and nonfiction
Book Reviews
Song lyrics
One Act Plays
Celebrity News and Entertainment Features
And Content Writing.

I believe writing is a calling whose logistics can be improved upon as one sees fit to garner acceptance and or publication and validation. Your purpose is defined as that thing that nags at you to do what you must to make a difference in the lives of others and becomes your brand or niche.
Do not fear your gifts and abilities beyond your passion and purpose. How will we grow if we never expand our creative horizons?

How do you feel about writing beyond your comfort/niche? Share other genres you enjoy.

“Artistic Differences”


Happy Friday readers and writers! Remember in order to become a great writer, you must love reading:) I’m sharing an eagerly anticipated response from MIRROR Monologues ( remember early summer women playwright submission call?) well I was so thrilled to be among the chosen and was anticipating the results from the meeting of minds in October…This email arrived just last week-Anticipation!

Dear Writer,

Thank you very much for your submission to MIRRORS: Monologues from Women’s Lives. We deeply appreciate your time and interest in our project.

We are writing to say that, unfortunately, we are unable to proceed with the project due to differences in artistic vision. Our decision to discontinue MIRRORS does not reflect on the quality of the submissions. Our panel of writers and directors were deeply touched by your honesty, your humor, and your writing talent.

“Ugh” (sigh) “Really”!?! and “Why can’t artists settle their “artistic” differences?” After all, the play’s the thing. And today? “Okay, so your work didn’t hit the mark its first time out-just keep moving” 🙂

The 6 women playwrights were kind in that they sent along other publishing avenues for those wanting to place their monologues..


How do you guys handle a milestone rejection?

A Visit With Joe Bunting…

Hello everyone. Thank you for stopping by on this first day of March. I know what you’re thinking-“TGIF!.” Clara54’s guest today is professional writer, author and editor, Joe Bunting. Please join me in welcoming him to the writers forum.


1. Congratulations on your blog The Write Practice being selected as one of the 10 best writing blogs of 2012! What did that feel like?

Thanks Clara. It felt like relief, actually. We won last year, too, and I was so nervous that we wouldn’t this year. Expectations make life so much harder. When you get what you’re expecting, you’re not satisfied. When you don’t, you’re angry and disappointed. It’s better to have low expectations.

2. I’m a subscriber to The Write Practice because it’s a great resource for those of us who love the Story and maybe want to write that great Novel someday. You have said that writing short stories is the best way to began this endeavor. Why is that?

I think the most important thing for a writer to do is start sharing his or her work as soon as possible. To be successful, you need to start making friends and building an audience sooner rather than later. Plus, I think, most of us writers have an innate urge to share our work. It’s scary but it’s thrilling, too, and it motivates us to work harder on the next story.

The problem with novels for the new writer is that they just take so long. They make it so much harder to get your work in front of an audience (even if that audience is just your mom). Stories allow you to audition, bringing a little bit of your best work to the world to see if they want more. Stories are little experiments. Novels are huge projects.

And the reality is that your first “finished” pieces will probably be very bad. I’d rather fail at a dozen short stories than a novel I’ve put three years of my soul into.

3. Can you talk a bit about Story Cartel? I joined the site as an Amazon reviewer and love that I get free books out of it! Is this the only stipulation for joining?

Yep! All of our books are completely free in exchange for your review. We wanted to create a really great resource for readers, almost like a speed dating site for readers and writers to connect. I’ve spent a long time talking just to writers, and I wanted to start connecting with readers. It’s been really fun so far.

4. What makes a great writer?

Sheesh, what a question, Clara! Proust was a great writer but that doesn’t mean I want to read him. I love Dickens but I know so many people who hate him. And a teenager who’s just finished Twilight might say Stephenie Meyer is a great writer, and while I’ve earned the ire of many a writer for sticking up for her, saying she’s “great” might be stretching the language a bit.

Still. I guess I’ll take a shot at it. To be a great writer, I think you have to create interesting characters whom you know completely, to tell a great story, to combine politics, history, religion, and setting without overwhelming that story, and write perfect prose with your own unique flare.

5. How do you handle criticism?

I grieve. Then I get back to writing.

6. You’ve recently introduced HANDS to the reading audience. I’ve read great reviews about this one. Share a few nuggets with us and how we can get a copy for ourselves?

Hands is essentially a story about music, how it connects us to ourselves and to others, even across obstacles like race, age, and death. The story is about Jim, a dying jazz musician who is losing the use of his hands, and a visit he has with one of his former music students, his favorite student, really. During the visit, Jim finds that he can no longer connect—he’s too old and too out of touch—except through the music.

If that sounds interesting, you can get a free preview of the story here:

Free Preview of Hands, a Short Story by Joe Bunting

Thanks for sharing a slice of Joe Bunting life with us!

No, thank you, Clara. You’ve been so great.

Are you guys encouraged to move forward and write that great short story or novel? What burning question would you have asked Joe Bunting?

Jumpstart To Your Creative Juices…

Hey Guys! Hope you all are up & about -and ready to go out and make things happen- or stay in and let those fingers ignite your keyboards:) I’m just getting ready to do the same thing, so, these are briefs to what I hope might get your creative juices flowing and plant seeds to jumpstart your morning…

They are casting for HOME COOKS in Chicago! Information to Bobby Flay Food Network:



Who remember the Film SANKOFA? Watch the intro here:



How many of you are familiar with Chicago’s Bronzecomm Newspaper?

Keep abreast of all the Chicago happenings here and sign up for their newsletter:


If you’re interested in writing a Short Story for inclusion in ebook and for part of proceeds after publication? Join or submit a story hereat the Independent Authors Index:


My first story “Technicolor Love” will be published in the first Independent Authors Index Compilation—am working on second short!

What’s on your “CREATIVE” agenda of late?

Tracking The Rhythm To Your Writing…

I’d never actually thought about the rhythm in my writing, until Iread a recent post at Christina Katz’s “The Prosperous Writer” where she likens one’s writing rhythms with the rhythms found in music. I love music and oftentimes find myself relating to & dancing to the rhythm of the beat:)

On a more serious note and to answer the question about how I use the rhythm in my own work?  “Love Jones” the movie, comes to mind where the male protagonist, a writer (natch) complains that his love interest, is “wrecking his flow!” I was so enthralled with the line in this movie, that as a writer, whenever I’m in sync with creating words to page & the phone rings, or, the doorbell pells and I have to stop: I instantly think “Dang, you’re wrecking my flow.!”  

Productivity and momentum in my writing comes during early mornings and the ambiance of late night ‘stillness.’ Those are times where I’m feeling one with nature and become caught up in the dawn of a new day, allowing my thoughts to run about and I’m in a zone as my fingers play out  the rhythms to my creative vibe. Imagine feeling lost to time & space  and it doesn’t matter because you’re happily writing in your creative bubble. 

It doesn’t matter how writers use their rhythm to create, it matters that they recognize that they do. According to The Prosperous Writer, we all have rhythm. AND the question?  How do you use your writing rhythm?

To read this great post on rhythm usage in your writing, visit http://christinakatz.com