Tag Archives: creative non fiction

I’m Back At The Blog With Exciting Updates!

Happy Friday, writers and authors! I hope your summer is going well. I’m back from a brief rest period to reconnect with y’all and bring you up to date on what’s been happening in my writing world of late.

Authentic Woman, my business brand that champions women voices, celebrated its 8th year in the blogosphere last month!  I’m excited to report that my purpose mission to empower the authentic voice in women has become a recognizable, trusted and respected name in the world of self-development and women’s empowerment. At this posting, we have well over 2000 followers, and with your voices adding to the mix, it just keeps getting better.

I’ve been invited to join several prestigious groups consisting of consultants, mentors, coaches, lifestyle strategists, etc, to share experiences in the environment of our brand expertise in making a difference in the lives of others. I’m always happy and downright humbled and blessed to be in the inspiring and aspiring presence of like-minded folk. That’s just God, people!

At Authentic Woman on Monday, I shared the cover to Unleash Your Pearls~ Empowering Women’ s Voices, with my followers. Today, I’m revealing it to you. Yay! Trust and believe, the cover is awesome, but what you’re going to get when you open the book will be explosive (in a  good champion the woman voice way) Keep checking in for the book’s release.

WzW-Unlease Your Pearls CoverNow here are links to stuff I’ve accomplished with my writings while on break:

Short Story.
“We have received it, and it will be considered for our next issue.
Thank you”
The Six Hens submissions team
My Natural Hair Essay.
Recently sold a nonfiction piece to the “Lessons from Losers in Love” Anthology.

I think all of those online classes( free & fee based) are finally kicking in. I actually look forward to editing short stories and previously rejected submissions, which is a far cry from my earlier editing process (hated it!)  I feel like I’m Stella, the writer, getting her groove back. 🙂


“Success comes when the work you do helps other people recognize who they are. It is when you see your work make a difference in another person, who in finding themselves, will sow seeds of their gifts and pay it forward by helping others.” 

Clara Freeman


How To Get Intimate With Your Characters

Howdy, creatives! I hope you’re keeping your imaginations sharp and your creative juices flowing:) Me? Oh, sometimes it’s like my thoughts for creating characters in my stories are running a mile/minute, that coupled with the urge to just create something meaningful and gritty that will make the reader go “No, s/he didn’t!”

In the past, I rarely did research for my characters, preferring to tickle the ole noggin instead, however, I’m applying more thought and research into the character development process that will help move the story forward, and get my work closer to publication.

5616123-the-three-dimensional-models-of-theatrical-masks-showing-human-emotionsThe thing I’ve learned about creating meaningful characters in story,  that works for me, is that they must be well researched, well-rounded individuals and so believable to the reader, that it’s like standing next to a true-to life human being with flaws, strengths and weaknesses just like us! I also know their individual mannerisms, thoughts and behaviors must keep readers turning the page.

When writing my stories, I liken my characters to actors on the stage because, after all, “the whole world is a stage and everybody’s playing a part.” Thanks Smokey Robinson for the great analogy!

These are the components I took away from my class at FutureLearn on getting to know intricate and intimate details of characterization.


  • Physical/biological: age, height, size, state of health, assets, flaws, sexuality, gait, voice.
  • Psychological: intelligence, temperament, happiness/unhappiness, attitudes, self-knowledge, unconscious aspects.
  • Interpersonal/cultural: family, friends, colleagues, birthplace, education, hobbies, beliefs, values, lifestyle.
  • Personal history: major events in their life, including the best and the most traumatic times.
What process do you use to write great/memorable characters?


September Writing Contests

Happy Friday, all! Let’s face it, writers cannot get enough of sharpening their skills by competing in writing competition. This is another arena for the creative to pit their abilities against fierce competitors for the big prize. Sometimes we do hit a home run and take home the trophy!

Writing competitions in any genre are beneficial to the creative because we can gauge our writing ability against the best of the best and still lose gracefully in the agony of defeat. We know that writing for us is a win/win, no matter if we place in the competition or not.

For those of you who want to compete for the prize or see how far your writing skills take you, here are three great writing contests you might enjoy entering in September:


Mslexia is holding a women’s memoir contest for women with a story to tell and who want to compete in the competition for their share of the monies. Go here for details- https://mslexia.co.uk/shop/ncomp_enter.php

Still working on your memoir and don’t really want to share your first draft for competition? How about sharing your dynamite opening paragraph instead? Go here to find out about your first memoir paragraph competition:

Creative Non Fiction Magazine is holding an essay contest in September called “Waiting.” Go here for guidelines on submitting to their essay contest-https://www.creativenonfiction.org/submissions/waiting

Entered a writing contest lately? Which do you prefer,those with or without fees? Share your experiences with us here on the writers blog and chime in on an upcoming writer’s debate where we discuss paying vs. non paying contest markets.