Tag Archives: book news

Release Of New Empowerment Book For Women And Job Opportunities!

Hello creatives! Happy Women’s History Month! I’m too happy to share that my book to empower the voice of women has launched!

Yes, Unleash Your Pearls Empowering Women’s Voices is an added bonus in the celebration of women history, because it champions the voice of the “underdog.” I hope you all purchase your copy now, because I’m in the midst of sending out signed copies for women and church groups, family and friends.

Email unleashyourpearls@yahoo.com or use the convenient contact info on the blog.  So far, the book is being well received and I’m forever grateful and humbled.

Intriguing Jobs:

I grew up on a farm, so I know a bit about watching things grow from a tiny seed planted in the earth to an edible fruit or vegetable. That’s why I found these job opportunities so intriguing. I suppose I could have been a Resident Gardner in another lifetime 🙂

If you like feeling the soil of Mother Earth running through your fingers, check out these intriguing job opportunities.  https://www.mainefarmlandtrust.org/job-opportunities/




Empowering Ourselves to Overcome Abuse by Kathleen Pooler

Happy Friday, to all creatives and book lovers! Today we’re hosting Kathleen Pooler, whose recently published memoir, Ever Faithful to His Lead, is on a whirlwind blog tour. Kathy shares insights from her book on how women can empower themselves and overcome domestic abuse and violence. Please join me in welcoming the memoirist to the Writer’s Blog.


I spent the first eighteen years of my life in a loving, supportive family. My parents, Bob and Kathryn were childhood sweethearts who modeled a caring and respectful relationship. I went out into the world fully expecting I would find the same in a spouse. It was all I knew—stability, security, love.

The problem was I didn’t discern the red flags and assumed the man I chose to marry would fulfill my fantasy of happily ever after. Like my parents, “till death do you part.” Eight years later, with two young children in tow, I repeated the mistake and married a man to meet my gnawing need to be a complete family again.

I had everything I needed to make a good life for myself. Instead, I spent the next twenty-five years engulfed in the abyss of two abusive marriages, first to a man who drank too much then to a man whose untreated bipolar disorder forced me to flee in broad daylight with my two school aged children for fear of physical abuse.

I had allowed myself to be emotionally abused, bullied and brainwashed all for the sake of being a family, like my own. How had I allowed that to happen?

I explore the factors that influenced me to make these self-defeating choices in my upcoming memoir, Ever Faithful to His Lead: My Journey Away From Emotional Abuse.

Walking away required me to look at myself and accept the mistakes and missteps of my past. It forced me to come face-to-face with my vulnerabilities and flaws.

Writing my memoir helped me to heal. I found the answers to a question that had nagged at me for years:

“How does a young woman from a loving Catholic family, make so many wise choices about her career but so many poor choices about love that she ends up escaping in broad daylight with her two children from her second husband for fear of physical abuse?”

I never thought of myself as the abused wife. I studied domestic violence in my nursing program. I took care of patients who were abused. I was a strong and capable woman. Surely, I wasn’t one of those women who keep making excuses for a spouse’s outrageous behavior. Besides, I didn’t have broken bones or bruises.

Years later, I realized, abuse in any form is abuse:

*One does not have to sustain physical injury to be abused. Emotional abuse in the form of intimidation, bullying, safety threats, lying is harmful and the impact on the children of mothers who are in abusive relationships is far-reaching and damaging.

* Abuse impacts all socioeconomic groups. I was a masters-prepared nurse from
a loving family and yet I got into two emotionally abusive marriages.

*Denial and magical thinking can keep one from recognizing abusive behavior and taking action.

*Emotional abuse can lead to physical abuse. According to the National
Coalition of Domestic Violence Awareness, “One in every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime; 1.3 million women are victims of
physical assault by an intimate partner each year; Most cases of domestic violence are never reported.”

These are staggering statistics of epidemic proportion.

I was able to rescue myself from two abusive marriages. The first thing I had to do was to break through the denial that my life was not what I had dreamed it would be. Then I had to take responsibility for the role I had played in allowing abuse to happen. I had to make the conscious decision to change the way I was approaching relationships and choices. I had to claim the power within and then once I claimed it, I had to honor it.

My greatest hope is that by offering my insights into the poor decisions I made will help others learn from my story. I found my inner strength through my faith in God and the love and support of my family and friends. My nursing career enabled me to support myself and my children.

Abuse is abuse in any form and nobody deserves to be trapped in an abusive relationship.

I want to inspire hope and action for my readers who need to tap into their own inner strength and find freedom from abuse of any kind.

Once we are connected to our own inner strength, we empower ourselves to live life on our own terms. For me that meant, allowing myself to be vulnerable and admitting my role in creating the circumstances that led to two emotionally-abusive marriages. When I became clear on the part I was playing, I was able to not only accept the responsibility to change, but to forgive myself and put my energies into creating the life I wanted and deserved. To me, that is empowerment at its best.


Kathleen Pooler is an author and a retired Family Nurse Practitioner whose memoir, Ever Faithful to His Lead: My Journey Away From Emotional Abuse, published on July 28.2014 and work-in-progress sequel, Hope Matters: A Memoir are about how the power of hope through her faith in God helped her to transform, heal and transcend life’s obstacles and disappointments: domestic abuse, divorce, single parenting, loving and letting go of an alcoholic son, cancer and heart failure to live a life of joy and contentment. She believes that hope matters and that we are all strengthened and enlightened when we share our stories.

She lives with her husband Wayne in eastern New York. She blogs weekly at her Memoir Writer’s Journey blog: http://krpooler.com

Twitter @kathypooler

LinkedIn: Kathleen Pooler: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/kathleen-pooler/16/a95/20a
Google+:Kathleen Pooler: https://plus.google.com/109860737182349547026/posts
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/4812560-kathleen-pooler
Personal page,
Kathy Pooler : https://www.facebook.com/kathleen.pooler
Author page:
Kathleen Pooler/Memoir Writer’s Journey: https://www.facebook.com/memoirwritersjourney
Pinterest (http://www.pinterest.com/krpooler/)

Celebrity Books-Part 1

Recently, Arnold Schwarzenegger released his new book, Total Recall,a memoir about life, loves and children of the former Governor and husband of Maria Shiver…I began to think about celebrities and their books- written by ‘Ghost Writers”whose claim to fame, in this instance, willl probably never be known-good monies though:)  

Here’s a list of Books written under the guise of “CELEBRITY” which proves how lucrative Ghostwriting is- Ok, maybe some of these folks wrote their own books- maybe?

Katie Couric- The Best Advice I Ever Got

Ashley Judd- All That Is Bitter And Sweet

Janet Jackson- “True You”

Tony Danza- I’d Like To Apologize To Every Teacher I Ever Had- this book is about Tony Danza teaching for one year at a Philadelphia high school and also talks about his pen pal letters with the late rapper and actor Tupac Shakur.

Robin Roberts- FromThe Heart: Seven Rules to Live By. This book I plan to purchase.

Marlo Thomas- Growing Up Laughing; My Story and the Story of Funny. At some point, I will get this book.

Big Ang- a breakout Reality Star- “Bigger Is Better”

Bethanny Frankel- a breakout Reality Star who became a rich entrepreneur from Skinny Girl vodka franchise. Her book,’ A Place Of Yes” made the New York Times Bestseller’s List

Vanessa Williams- “You Have No Idea” is a memoir about losing the Miss America Crown at 19 for posing nude and child molestation.

There are so many celebrities with interesting reads. Because I have a celebrity news & views site I only had to comb through 3 book of my notes for this post and found more than 50 recently published ( within 2yr span) books by Celebrites.

Part 2 of “Books By Celebrities” will appear in another post. I will leave you with two books I actually purchased and really enjoyed!

Michael J. Fox, to my knowledge has written two books. I read and recommend “Always Looking Up” where he talks about living his life with Parkingson’s Disease.  

Sidney Portier is one of my all time favorite and awesome Movie Star Icons. His book, “The Measure Of A Man” captured my attention because is shows his wisdom and teaches valuable lessons on how men with “Character” is what truly makes a man.  Steve Harvey’s “Think Like A Man” is simply comedic relief in comparison!

Okay, I’ve only scratched the surface with books by celebrities…part 2 coming up!

Read… written…recommend any Celebrity Books?

Psst, Have You Gotten Your Copy?

Psst, because my site is in Marcie Hill’s new book, I can’t give a review. However, you didn’t hear it from clara54, but, this book is so right for “the trendsetter” in blogsville, meaning you guys… Support Marcie by picking up your copy today!

Pre-Order 62 Blog Posts to Overcome Blogger’s Block

62 Posts to Overcome Bloggers Block - Marcie Hill

Hey all! I am happy to announce that my book, 62 Blog Posts to Overcome Blogger’s Block, will launch this month. This is the first book EVER  that focuses on blog CONTENT only. I’m so excited.

To help me celebrate, I am offering you an opportunity to invest in your blogging education by taking advantage of my pre-release offer to buy my book, 62 Blog Posts to Overcome Blogger’s Block for $99, and get the workbook FREE ($39 value) through August 17, 2012.

Your investment will get you:

  • Instruction on how to use different forms of media to create blog content consistently
  • Enough content to keep you busy for over a year if you post at least once a week
  • The expertise and knowledge of over 60 bloggers that have over 10 million global followers

Bonus bonus: nearly one-third of the sites featured in the book are blogs about blogging which will help you learn more about the art of blogging

This is more than a book; we are transforming lives through writing and blogging. Pre-order to book now!

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Also, like  Shorty and 62 Posts to Overcome Blogger’s Block on Facebook.

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Thank you for your support and let me know if you have any blogging or writing questions.


5 Ways to use Travel to Super-Charge Your Writing Skills

I recently visited my hometown and saw my brother’s place for the first time. I was so impressed as the family gathered on the deck of his property to enjoy the southern breeze and setting sun that I returned home to pen a post for BlogHer called “Farmer Joe.” Lynne Klippel talks about how to use travel to charge up your writing- Enjoy! Clara54

When you notice that your writing is starting to slump, it’s time to hit the road and go on a trip. Whether you decide to travel far afield or enjoy your hometown, you can use travel to open up the floodgates of your creativity by following these simple steps:

1. Increase Your Powers of Observation- Great writers notice details.  As you travel, look closely at everything and everyone.  Practice describing the sights, sounds, and smells around you. Use rich language that evokes emotions and sensations, like a velvety rose petal or tart lemon.  By the way, that type of language makes compelling blog posts or website copy.

At an airport or park, watch people and describe them in your mind.  Look for one characteristic which makes them unique, whether it is a shy smile, a crooked gait, or a piercing stare.

2. Create Stories- As you sit in a coffee shop or visit a museum, create a back story for the people you see.  Give yourself creative license to make up a rich life for this person with challenges, triumphs, and desires. Make it juicy, mysterious, or ominous.  Even if you write non-fiction, creating these imaginary stories will sharpen your ability to create interest and curiosity with your words.

3. Keep a Journal- Use your trip to develop the habit of daily writing.  Make a commitment to spend some time each day chronicling your trip, what you observed, and any inspirations that come to you.  By taking a break from your regular writing and writing solely about your travel experiences, you’ll return home to work on your book refreshed but still in the practice of daily writing.

4. Unplug- When you travel, eliminate television, email, and web surfing as much as possible.  Fill  your mind with interactions with real people instead of electronic media.   This will serve as a virtual re-set button for your creativity.  You’ll be amazed at the energy and ideas you have when you return home.

5. Try New Things or Learn New Information- In my recent trip to Ecuador, I immersed myself in a different culture where I did not speak the language or know much about the history. I learned so much and reconnected with the joy of discovery.  When you help your readers discover new things in your writing, you will inspire them and help them discover new ways to live.

So if you find your writing in a rut, step away from your computer and take a trip.  Follow these 5 steps and you’ll return home refreshed, recharged, and ready to write your great book.

Lynne Klippel is a best-selling author, publisher, and book coach who specializes in helping non-fiction authors write books that build their business and transform the world. For a f.r.e.e. assessment that will help you see your author strengths and opportunities, visit http://www.BusinessBuildingBooks.com