I’m Distracted, Thats All!

Spent the last 10 minutes looking for my glasses…this little ritual have become somewhat of a  thorn in my backside. I’m looking/looking in the kitchen, the bath, the countertops, tables, when I pull back the covers on a haphazardly made bed and there they are hiding alonside the tv remote. I tell myself it’s only because I’m realizing my leisure day away from the politics of a job I abhor is about to come to an end. Or, maybe it’s because for the last month, I’ve been waiting breathlessly for the winner of a writing contest to be announced and finally when the moment arrives…my article in all four catagories were not chosen!

I could be bombed out from this little rejection and not consider that as I age, I might be in the running for that brain alteration known as ‘dementia’. Nooo, that’s impossible as I’m only 50 something, ha, ha!, jokes on you, dementia…

Anyhow, I’m considering getting a chain to support my glasses as I cannot afford distraction when the thrill of competition rears its artful head. Question: What are your passions as you embark upon a journey of midlife transition? you can always share your thoughts with me, by comments, or, writing me , clarawriter@att.net.

What I’m Reading

Ok, So for the record, I’m a sentimental fool for love! Yep, at the age of 50 something, I’m getting back in touch with my ‘love radar’ and so on that note: Are You Lonesome Tonight? by Dary Matera, a writer out of Miami. Are You Lonesome Tonight? is a story of a true and everlasting love between a young girl and a young man who would become king, of sorts. This is the story of Elvis Presley and a beautiful French woman named Lucy de Barbin. It is a story that speaks on loss, abuse, secrecy, love, birth,separation and survival. This is a story that even today sends a message that true love never dies. Pick up a copy of this wondrous tale at any library, or, thrift store, or, borrow it from an old frriend who perhaps purchased it so long ago and kept it as a reminder of what true love, truly is…

Welcome To My World!

Hey all! I’m Clara and I’m a woman in transition. What you’re about to let yourself in for is going to become one heck of a ride, views from the perspective of one woman writer whose sole intent is to encourage, inspire and impassion women of a certain age to go for the gusto in this, the 2nd phase of life! I’m also going to digress a bit at times and speak on entertainment, politics and just everyday stuff from time to time, why? just because I can!

I’m a writer. A seasoned, professional nurse. A self-published poet. An online columnist. A divorced mother of two and grandmother of 5… I love men of substance, eloquence, wit, compassion and a strength clothed in spirituality. I decided several years ago after my divorce and a traumatic ending to love on the rebound, that it was time I found my ‘destiny’…Think, Forest Gump when he asks, “Mama, what’s my destiny?” She replies, ” Forest,Life is like a box of chocolates. You NEVER know what you gonna get.” I invite you along, as we discover what we’re gonna get!

Happy Sunday All! It’s also my 4th year  @ Clara54!!!!!!!!!!. This was where it all began:) Sending out heartfelt appreciations for all you’ve given via your comments, emails, twitter follows and just some darn good blogosphere community:) Sonya,  my Washington bud,you’ve been the best of the best!

Shine On!

A blog where writers find support, share writing info and concepts. information about their works of fiction, memoir, short story, poetry, plays and other genre of writings