Tag Archives: Rejection


accept reject keys

Happy Friday, creatives! I’m curious, how do you handle rejection, criticism and even rude comments about your work? As a recent recipient of two out of three, in recent weeks, I’d say I’m not down for the count and I will continue to soldier on.

Writers and authors know the deal, but in that moment of rejection, we are bruised human beings because those words of rejection sting our creative efforts. We are professionals and know rejections are not personal. Criticisms, on the other hand, can be questionable. Snide comments of your work is best served by ignoring the haters.

In a March interview with author and blogging guru, Joe Bunting over at The Write Practice Blog, I asked, “How do you handle criticism?” His answer was, “I grieve then get back to writing.”

I think that timeless response should serve as a reminder to all of us that it’s the work that matters, so just keep writing to publication. The more we write the better we become in this competitive arena.

As a multi-genre writer, I’ve found some gems in those rejections and have used them along the way to acceptance. Here’s what two editors in different genres had to say about some of my recent works

On a personal story essay:

”As you know, rejections are never easy—for you the writer, or for us, the editors. But as you also know, they are part of what being a writer is about.”

On a Poetry Chapbook Competition:
Although your work did not make the final cut, I want you to know that it was strongly
considered, and that you were a semi-finalist in this year’s contest.

Can you see why writers just keep writing?

How do you handle rejection/criticism/rude comments? Please share!

The Thrill Of Competition

Yes, there’s definitely something to be said about the spirit of competition! From the sport of athletics to the creative competitiveness of the mind, pitting onesself against another becomes such an adrenalin rush…As many of you out there can attest; Suffering a loss in competition “Sucks” That slogan back in the day of athletes going up against each other becomes ‘The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.” Writers, Celebrities, Doctors, Lawyers, and everyday folks know the feeling of defeat when it comes to losing out.

As a writer, I’ve suffered many a letdown from well meaning Publishers/ Editors whom I’ve sent my little precious pearls of creativity to, only to have a rejection saying how, “sorry, but, please try again next year’s contest.”  It hurts, way down deep. It derails you in places you never knew were comprised of parts of the human body. So what does one do when they’ve lost the race? The will to compete? Suffered the anguish of defeat?

I’ve learned that in the world of competition, you develop a ‘thick’ skin. You take a moment of ‘woe is me time’ if need be, but, then you learn to suck it up and vow to compete again. and most importantly, you look for the silver lining lay hidden somewhere within the folds of rejection. Perhaps your work shows ‘merit’. Maybe the editor wrote a personal aside, encouraging you to rework the piece, or, maybe you placed in the top 10 of four specific articles competition!

I’d encourage anyone with a passion to take a moment to reflect when faced with defeat…You see, there’s always another day for competition!