Tag Archives: promotional books/product giveaway

Authors Seeking Book Reviewers


TGIF! I know right? In order to promote their books and great works, many established authors are seeking book reviewers to help them do that. I’ve been asked to do many book reviews over the years and loved doing it because I’m a book voyeur from way back:)

Do not be fooled, doing book reviews is no easy task as it’s time consuming, demanding and can interrupt your personal writing and time schedule. For this reason, I’m more selective when choosing books for review- so many wonderful books, so little precious time (sigh) The books posted today are available for review from their authors and ones that you might consider reviewing on your blog.

The Redeemers Tale- Book One by J.P James is an epic fantasy of good vs evil, with some magic and romance thrown in for good measure. Mr. James invites readers to visit his lpjamesblog.com to get details of how to download a complimentary copy for review. You can also visit www.smashword.com/books/view/404767 and use the coupon code TF62U. And get it via the promotional site at Tomoson.com, along with a giveaway for your readers.

When you sign up at Tomoson.com you will be on their book reviewer list for promotional book and product reviews and giveaways for your blog readers. Some products and books come with prerequisites such as number of FB likes or Twitter followers. If the author is familiar with your work,however, they will sometimes waive prerequisites and contact you directly. Such was the case for Hugo The Happy Starfish author, Suzy Liebermann, whose line of children books are educational learning tools introduced in the schools.


The author will be leaving Tomoson. com in March and asks that any blogger wanting to review her line of educational books for children, contact her at http://www.suzyliebermann.com or email HugoTheHappyStarfish@gmail.com.
I have committed to writing an honest review of Hugo, just because my grandchildren might get a kick out of hearing about Hugo and how he solved problem faced by so many of today’s’ children.

What do you think of authors seeking book reviewers for their projects? Have you had to turn away books for review?