How Online Classes Helped Define Writing In 2009!

Looking back at all the happenings in cyberspace & the world of the freelance writer in 2009, I’m most grateful for and comforted by the influx of online class facilitators and their offerings of help via the easy highway of web surfing. Online classes are nothing new. Truth be told, many writers have joined the bandwagon of “entrpreneutral accessability” for all the creative folks wanting to hone their skills, define their niche, increase their visibility in the publication arena and grow their freelance writing business.

In June 2009, My baby, Clara54 turned one year old. Needless to say, I was elated to have reached a milestone in blogging my way to acceptance by readers/creative liasions who commented & congratulated me along the way. It’s the ending of another year and I’m looking at well over 1600 visitors to clara54 and the numbers continue to rise as folks have added me to their blogrolls. Somehow, as I write this, I’m thinking it’s due, in part to online classes. I’m a writer. I’ve always known that & no one has ever discouraged me from believing in myself. Ok, knowing is fine… It’s when you combine the knowing with the effort it’s going to take to introduce yourself/your work to an ambigiuous world that ultimately comes to recognize your signature stamp that defines your truth …

Online classes help to mold your work. Give you confidence to ‘expose’ yourself to the big, bad world of publication… These people have been there and they are willing to offer valuable insights into how they got there. It doesn’t matter what genre you’re searching to excel in. I took a marketing class several month ago from a woman in business who is a virtual beacon of knowledge with several impressive degrees to boot. That class, MarketingBootcampForFreelanceWriters taught by Ms. Sonya Carmichael Jones at the most reasonable price imaginable for newcomers, has led me to get my very own column at a Nurse magazine! There are countless other online classes that one might find beneficial in areas of the short-story, column writing, playwriting, grantwriting, ebooks and so forth. Clara54 recommends visiting these hot spots for starters: Fundforwriters, Mediabristo, PenAndProsper,GiftedHandsWriting ,WomenOnWriting Ezines and Marcie’s Write Designs…

Daniel Scocco over at his Daily Newsletter Writing Blog Tips put the call out for bloggers to participate in his Group Writing Project as he explores the year 2009 in Review. I am happy to participate! I’ve learned quite a lot and accomplished more than I could have imagined this year. I can only hold my breath for all that awaits clara54( projects) in the year 2010 !