Clara Freeman

FREEMANC_LZ059-o1GATA7_02Hello to all of my readers! Sorry its taken me these many years to formally introduce myself, but life beckoned. You may know from visiting clara54 that I am a former nurse with more than thirty years of service. I’m also an activist, author, lifestyle strategist, lyricist, poet and professional blogger. My love for expression via the written word probably began in my mother’s womb! Creating and helping others find their voice is my first love. In the early days of finding me, a creative writing instructor would write in my journal-

“Yes, you are indeed a writer, my dear. Now, you have to go out into the world, explore all genres and expand your horizons.”

This is Clara54’s Writer’s Blog where I engage creatives, help promote their works and just “share” tidbits relating to creatives and story! Since its inception, this blog has transitioned from all about me, to all about you; the writer, author, musician and artist who dares to breathe life into their art.

In 2010, clara54 was recognized by as a go-to Book Blogger site, but the site has superseded my humble beginnings and allowed me to connect with visionaries, influence-rs and game-changers in the literary world.

My professional services includes public relations, magazine and newspaper copy, women issues, entertainment copy, SEO, Marketing and editing manuscripts for the overwhelmed writer.

You can visit my women’s empowerment site at

For more about my purpose journey and my beginnings, I invite you to my author’s page at   

I hope you download a copy of A Life Toward Authenticity My Authenticity Woman Story or purchase on Barnes & Noble for your Kindle. My purpose book for women, Unleash Your Pearls, empowering women’s voices is now available for purchase. Contact me via the book’s email address or for your signed copy.

For the curious on all things celebrity, entertainment news and the politically conscious, visit me at

May you be blessed and live to bless someone else.





9 thoughts on “Clara Freeman”

  1. Hi Clara,
    As you may have noticed, I have a new website

    If you are more techie than me would you be able to change the link on your homepage.

    Glad you aren’t taking your Bears too seriously, I am a die hard Packer fan and will routing against you even though I have family in Chicago.

    Always enjoy following you.
    Keep writing!


    1. So Pat, I know you’re a basketball globe trotter & very sporty, but maybe you might be favoring the wrong team, this go round:) Go, Bears! Thanks for the website update, considered it done…glad to have you aboard from abroad…

      Clara…Go, Bears!:)


  2. Clara:

    Visited Clara54’s Weblog and just loved the poem and its layout!. I then read that you are a PR practitioner and nurse. I love both of your chosen endeavors. I am a kidney transplant and have a great appreciation for the nursing part of you. Additionally, I am a returnee to the field of PR doing syndicated articles publicity after a long career with major agencies and corporations doing consumer product publicity. ( Nice to meet you.

    Myrna Greenhut


  3. Myrna,

    Thanks for stopping in. You have a very informative blog about all of the things I need to know regarding social media & syndication. Will consider you the go-to girl in those areas:)



  4. Hi Clara, just visited your blog after you found my and linked to it in your post. Thanks so much for doing that! I just loooveeee biographies and have so wanted to share my thoughts on them with others – still to get to it, but will give it a hurry up now that I have had some interest from you!

    I loved reading about you too and found that we have another thing in common and that is an interest in promoting positive women. I noticed that you are interested in motivating and inspiring women. I would love to know more about this, if you could direct me to the relevant area of your blogs? You might be interested in reading my vision on my other blog, and maybe you would like to contribute an article if you were interested? Early days for me at the moment, but I am sure that my vision for Changing Women will be realised and would love people like you to join me. I would be so happy to hear from you.

    thanks again for sharing my little link,
    Susanne Moore


    1. Hi Susanne-
      So glad to welcome you here! I just popped over to read your take on Murdock & just had to tweet it:) You are an amazing writer/thinker. Would love to join forces at some point as an inspiration to other women as they come to live their best lives.



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A blog where writers find support, share writing info and concepts. information about their works of fiction, memoir, short story, poetry, plays and other genre of writings