Holiday Reads And Contest Submissions…


The Book Thief

 Happy Saturday, Writers!

In order to become a great writer, we all know we have to love reading. I’m reading The Book Thief. It is an awesome story, set in 1940’s Nazi Germany and told through the eyes of “Death.” Don’t get morbid on me, now:) death takes on his duties via emotional glimpses not readily associated with his ominous rep…but death isn’t what readers will take-away from The Book Thief- it’s how death oversees a young orphaned girl’s adventures and misadventures in her life, as she encounters interesting characters whose presence helped shape her world. This wonderful work by Markus Zusak deserves its New York Times #1 Bestseller listing! 
Thanksgiving Day has come and gone and the leftover turkey is being reshaped into tasty dishes by way of our culinary skillls. I’m thankful and blessed to be a part of life’s transitions! As we press forward into the Holiday season of Christmas and cheer, let’s be safe, spend wisely and make wise shopping choices for the kiddies. Some of us are busy as Santa’s helpers trying to catch those early bird and doorbuster sales..
For those writers looking to generate a bit of extra cash after the holidays, I’ve penned a few contest suggestions. Pay attention to the deadlines, crank up the keyboard and submit your gems for consideration. What have you got to lose?
1. Cost Of Care essay contest – www.CostsofCare.Org
2.Authenticity For Women –
3.Ladies Home Journal-
4. Women On Writing 2012 Flash Fiction Contest-
5.Kore Press- short fiction for female writers, deadline Nov 30th-
I’ve entered Cost of Care, Ladies Home Journal and Women On Writing which are still open, but, check them out for deadlines. Authenticity for Women is a relatively new Magazine whose fall debut is past for the story competition, but is open to article submissions.
Good luck with your submission. Be sure to report back to clara54 and share your experiences…any writing advice, contest winnings/info, or words of wisdom to impart to new writers is welcome as well to this new forum for the writer’s voice!
Happy Holidays and keep writing!

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