Writing Insomniac…

Occurs when there’s so much stuff atop the closet that houses my brain while the realization that I should be writing when nothing seems forthcoming causing sleepless nights, tossing & turning until snippits of conversation, images & flashes of light filters through… If you’re like me, you jump out of bed to place your BIC and ‘write’ for a miracle…

So your flow begins & you smile as the story emerges. Forget for a moment how tired you are. That the hustle & bustle of a mornings ‘day’ job looms. Instead, James Brown is singing “please, please, please.” and Macy Gray is screaming  “you bring out the ‘woman’ in me.” and you ponder, what’s love got to do with it?

But, you’re a writer & you ‘re creating. BESIDES, you’re not striving for perfection here, just a little bit of satisfication…heck, it’s ALL greeek to me, anyhow… “yawn”

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